Nicaragua frees more than 200 political prisoners

The Nicaraguan embassy in Washington, D.C. did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A Nicaraguan judge denounced the prisoners as traitors being “deported” to the U.S.

Ortega has claimed the prisoners were detained for their involvement in plots to overthrow him during 2018 protests about police violence and changes to the country’s social security system.

The White House praised the release of the prisoners, saying it “marks a constructive step towards addressing human rights abuses in the country and opens the door to further dialogue between the United States and Nicaragua regarding issues of concern.”

Francisco Aguirre-Sacasa, a former Nicaraguan foreign minister, was detained in 2021 after criticizing Ortega and Murillo. His son, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, who is a screenwriter for television drama “Riverdale,” led a petition advocating for his release.

Francisco’s daughter, Georgie Aguirre-Sacasa, was relieved to learn of her father’s release earlier this morning and expressed gratitude for the lawmakers working to aid her family.

“There are no words I can say to thank the State Department, [former Sen. Chris Dodd], Sen. Bob Menendez and the administration for what they just did,” Augirre-Sacasa said. “It’s incredible.”

The U.S. government is providing medical and legal support to the newly released prisoners “to ease their arrival,” the administration said.

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